flomcmillian Quotes

Personal Quotes by flomcmillian

INDECISION - When indecision is with you, Let patience out weigh the thought. The time you find You can’t make up your mind, Decision should be made not.

By flomcmillian
Thoughts of Learning - First I must learn Then I’ll have the answers When the questions are asked. Then give further questions Of the answers provided To verify and clarify the validity Of the knowledge learned.

By flomcmillian
Feel Well - I feel well, I feel good, I can do what I know I should - I feel fine, I feel nice, I can even do it twice!

By flomcmillian
Nothing comes easy and if it does, It will all fade away to something that was.

By flomcmillian
Practice what you preach my dear or you will face the things you fear

By flomcmillian
Change is meant to be, For the self of one to grow, When routine becomes steady, Stagnate thoughts are all we know.

By flomcmillian
If traveling the same way, Without an occasional re-route, You’re sure to find one day, You’re in a rut and can’t get out.

By flomcmillian
L O V E - Truly what could love be, Happiness and joy, Filled with sorrow and misery? Is it just contentment with ones self, Accomplishing goals, Only after struggles through life? Is it even so, That one true love Could ever last forever?

By flomcmillian
Wisdom Comes With Time - For the words of wisdom, Through life we may hear, Even if not understood, Should always be kept near - One day those words, Will take root in your mind, Then you’ll realize it’s true, Wisdom comes only with time.

By flomcmillian
Lost In Thought - It’s okay to be lost in thought. Within your mind - Is where you will find - Yourself.

By flomcmillian
Changes - Size changes in weight, Lets the variety of clothes rotate. Different weights throughout the seasons, Gives you color changes and the changing of reasons

By flomcmillian
Achievement - Always do the things You want to do - Then You’ll want to do The things you always do

By flomcmillian
Learn Thyself - By looking at others. Learn about others - By knowing thyself

By flomcmillian
Let’s Do It - Let’s not let patience and careful thinking turn into procrastination - Let’s not let taking your time, just to be sure, turn into not at all - Let’s think about what we are going to do, how we are going to do it - And Let’s Do It!

By flomcmillian
When in doubt - Re-route

By flomcmillian
Whenever I think I can't, I say: Oh yes, I can, I can - I am, 'Tis am, TIZAM!

By flomcmillian
A BLINK OF TIME - Everyone should try - Enjoying each moment they find - For when in the moment of time - It may seem to slowly pass by - Like a cloud in the sky - It's a wonder why - Only after time has passed by - It’s as if it was in a blink of an eye - And that's when we then realize - That time really does fly

By flomcmillian

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