elaicee Quotes

Personal Quotes by elaicee

Pushing yourself to get the target in your life quickly but without thinking harder, you are still staying from you before.

By elaicee
Fulfilling a dream is an honor but being drowned by achieving your dream is a severe illness that swallows your good side to think the best deeds for everyone.

By elaicee
Let the cry fix the broken pieces

By elaicee
True Love never calls the truth but the faith

By elaicee
Don't follow your own self because you don't have own mirror to see what's your right or wrong.

By elaicee
It's hard to embrace your mistakes even you know that you are right but there is no wrong to follow once suggestion just remember YOU ARE NOT THE ONLY ONE LIVES IN THE WORLD.

By elaicee
Nothing in this world does not feel tiredness and, so, if you feel down by the persecution, let the persecutor persecutes until he/she feels tired.

By elaicee
Having a tireless spirit to overcome the difficulty to your life is approaching the successes of your goal.

By elaicee
The danger whispers everywhere if you sow bad seeds in your backyard.

By elaicee
Don't let your paper lie pretty on your desk rather let it taste the dirt of your pen.

By elaicee

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