edwardebbs Quotes

Personal Quotes by edwardebbs

My hope and desires in life for life are far away in the light of truth. I may not be able reach them, but I know they are true and I try to follow them.

By edwardebbs
We must believe that even in the darkest hours of life that those moments are the nativity of something better.

By edwardebbs
When we look at the storms within our life, one should look to the trees. Trees that weather the storms have strong roots.

By edwardebbs
A Haiku is a form of poetry that forces the writer to stop and pay attention to the sounds, scents, tastes, and other sensations using a few syllables planting seeds allowing the reader's own thoughts to take what was written and allowing it to sprout into something more.

By edwardebbs
For us to develop the ability to grow, we may need to cultivate the ability to confront new problems by looking at things differently from a different point of view...if we cannot, then are we really free?

By edwardebbs
When we occupy our hearts we will begin to realize that we belong to each other, and that people in general deserve a chance.

By edwardebbs
Believing in something or just about anything that is good is empowering. Believing in something wonderful, it does not get much better than that.

By edwardebbs
It takes courage to be yourself. You would be surprised how many people are afraid to be themselves...

By edwardebbs
Following the heart is usually the right path, but at times your heart gets treated like that little ball on a paddle board during your journey.

By edwardebbs
The Occupy Movement became a global awakening of solidarity for those who believe that people deserve a chance, and people should not be mere clay to be molded by an oppressor class...all of us are created equal.

By edwardebbs
Once you are in debt, interest is your companion today, tomorrow, and through night as you sleep. It does not care if you are laid off or not working. You cannot wish it away or reason with it for it has no feelings.

By edwardebbs
Interest never sleeps...it's like the little Energizer Bunny that keeps on going and going never taking a day off to rest.

By edwardebbs
Each morning when I awake, I look to your eyes for a keepsake.

By edwardebbs
Yesterday is just a dream, our future yet to express. Let us share this life with our same name and address.

By edwardebbs
You are the inamorata that has renewed my life. You are my loving wife.

By edwardebbs
I fear not death because I have already died a death worse than death because in death the pain of life comes to its end.

By edwardebbs
You will teach your child right from wrong, and this will leave in his heart a special song.

By edwardebbs
Meditating on well written poetry was transforming for me, and writing poetry myself releases restless energies from deep within my soul.

By edwardebbs
Poems are the fingerprints of life from cultures today and those of centuries past.

By edwardebbs
Poetry is a gift to us from the minds of others to teach us about ourselves.

By edwardebbs
Life came without instructions, and when looking for balance, I found verses of this life written in the pages of poetry.

By edwardebbs
I lie awake thinking of the agony of it all. A hold ripped into my heart. The pain of loss and what might have been. How can there be life without life.

By edwardebbs
A friendship lives within the heart, you know it’s there when they do not depart.

By edwardebbs
Sometimes events bring unlikely people together and their energies coalesce for a cause. Never underestimate it’s power, it can lead to unpredictable outcomes.

By edwardebbs
The darkest lie is the treachery in the unspoken words one leaves out while speaking the truth.

By edwardebbs

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