donarie Quotes

Personal Quotes by donarie

Life can be uncertain, but only if you forget to live ~D. Smith

By donarie
Love can take you many places, but hate can limit where you go ~D. Smith

By donarie
To truly forgive is to let go ~D. Smith

By donarie
Life may not always be friendly, but you can be friendly in life ~D. Smith

By donarie
When you truly love you'll have no problem keeping friends ~D. Smith

By donarie
A happy life is learning to be happy in life ~D. Smith

By donarie
True love is like salt and pepper, a little sprinkle goes a long way ~D. Smith

By donarie
The days of your life are like pages in a book, they steadily goes by ~D. Smith

By donarie
When you take your vows seriously marriages will last ~D. Smith

By donarie
Marriages are meant to last a lifetime, but just like our time on earth we hardly ever get there ~D. Smith

By donarie
We need money to live, but not to be a slave to ~D. Smith

By donarie
Enjoy spending money, but watch that it doesn't bait you in ~D. Smith

By donarie
True love can last a lifetime, but only if you forget to love ~D. Smith

By donarie
'Life is what you make it, and not how you take it

By donarie
Love can be many things, but it cannot be repeatedly hurting someone ~ D. Smith

By donarie
True love is like super glue, it sticks together - D. Smith

By donarie

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