daviddecod37 Quotes

Personal Quotes by daviddecod37

Graze in your own maze, in other words, mind your own business... Hand me that soap. I'll wipe off the grime for you... What's up with people these days? Everyone judges . Do what makes you happy and never be ashamed for doing so, unless it's breaking God's Law - that's another story to tell

By daviddecod37
Don't be put down for what you do - keep up the excellent work...see God as a buddy, not a foe. Opinions don't matter, as long as it hints at God in some way. Don't lust after things or something you do - pick up your pace and run the extra mile. I'll help you through and God will too.

By daviddecod37
Don't run away from the horrid monster - tell it to leave and it'll make his or her leave. People are like monsters in so many ways; they feed off of pain from others...and apparently, some won't admit it at this age...

By daviddecod37
Don't judge others - look at yourself before focusing on others...

By daviddecod37

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