David_Omrenya_Odey Quotes

Personal Quotes by David_Omrenya_Odey

To see light in the dark is the deceitful malice of the mind to reality.

By David_Omrenya_Odey
Love does only one thing to an individual...It brutalizes your heart to submission.

By David_Omrenya_Odey
Our lives can be likened to the booting process of a Computer. While some boot-crash, others get successfully boot-up.

By David_Omrenya_Odey
Life is chiefly cheap, ailments excruciatingly expensive and death soberly free.

By David_Omrenya_Odey
Another name for Christains are liberal sinners

By David_Omrenya_Odey
Sleeping is a supranatural phenomenon in a natural plane of existence.

By David_Omrenya_Odey
Politik is a disease of a state where leadership and mass governance have failed

By David_Omrenya_Odey
A good friend is he/she that stays on with me even when my life is like the nightfall

By David_Omrenya_Odey
Love is a disease with no generally accepted cure, but many quack doctors.

By David_Omrenya_Odey
Diplomacy creates room for opportunists to feast on people's ignorance.

By David_Omrenya_Odey
A sad man mourns the ills in society, while an angry man contribute to societal problems.

By David_Omrenya_Odey
Women are like darknights, difficult to ignore.

By David_Omrenya_Odey
Do not be your own Adam. Women are everyone's path to Heaven or hell.

By David_Omrenya_Odey
The wisdom in our silence and distance from the craftiness of men is the folly of dexterous, selfish and hungry opportunist.

By David_Omrenya_Odey
Self righteousness is but guile in it subtle form.

By David_Omrenya_Odey
Do not trust a hungry man who pays lip service for a token. He is only on a mission to robb you of what impression you had of him.

By David_Omrenya_Odey
The Omniscient man should live independent of others and build his heaven

By David_Omrenya_Odey
We are all inadequate and therefore need each other adequately

By David_Omrenya_Odey
If worrying does not change your situation, regret would not fix a condition. Move on in life positively

By David_Omrenya_Odey
We seem like God's computer Software. To follow the sequence of our program eat to survive, exercise to stay fit, sleep and wake effortlessly, and grow old...these are perfect sequential programs.

By David_Omrenya_Odey
God is beyond our comphrension. Thus, the true nature of God is not in false knowledge, but in true human ignorance and weakness.

By David_Omrenya_Odey
Democracy is a generally popular assisted coup with a-behind-the-scene bloodbath in the name of Campaign and lobby.

By David_Omrenya_Odey
Be careful who you consider a friend for people could be to you what the 'Trojan horse' was to Troy.

By David_Omrenya_Odey
Do not give up your self composure when insolence is confused for assertiveness.

By David_Omrenya_Odey
The most difficult things to do are thinking, silence,and restrain from righteous anger.

By David_Omrenya_Odey
When a dog begins to quarrel with its master, two options are considered. To let the sleeping dog be, or to end the unofficial contract.

By David_Omrenya_Odey
I once came across a man whose philosophy in life it is to fake it till you make it.

By David_Omrenya_Odey
We know our friends in dark days.

By David_Omrenya_Odey
When you live an imposed life, your growth becomes your death.

By David_Omrenya_Odey
No need to argue over the Orthodoxy or truism of a Church. Christ is one.

By David_Omrenya_Odey
Do not be afraid to create your world in a world that rejects you.

By David_Omrenya_Odey
True friends are like life lines. We value those we consider as one

By David_Omrenya_Odey
The ability of a man to choose confrontation with seeming insurmountable challenge makes him a Victor, No matter the end!

By David_Omrenya_Odey
Dear ladies if you start out in a relationship, you may never come around to being good friends. But in friendship lies endless possibilities.

By David_Omrenya_Odey
The choices we make always grow from us and later make us

By David_Omrenya_Odey
Get used to the fact that you'll die someday. Maybe today, tomorrow or next. Remember you ain't too young or old. Get set.

By David_Omrenya_Odey
Search for purpose and life while living. Most other things amount to vain glory.

By David_Omrenya_Odey
It isn't just a relationship we seek, but a love relationship to be enthroned; as God. Faithfully cherished and adored.

By David_Omrenya_Odey
Tomorrow never comes for some. Live today to the full.

By David_Omrenya_Odey
He needs the same attention, love and care if your relationship must work out. Tell him you love him.

By David_Omrenya_Odey
Love emotion just as hate can destroy you. Be free

By David_Omrenya_Odey
Beauty is seldom beautiful, justice is seldom fair. Crude brutality suffocates humanity

By David_Omrenya_Odey
Women are mostly desperate over relationship because they intend it to end in Marriage, while most men are only desperate to have a relationship with the right lady.

By David_Omrenya_Odey
I believe wisdom doesn't come with age and, or experience, but with the willingness to put our mind to work in consonance with nature's law.

By David_Omrenya_Odey
What is your motto in live? That's your drive to either success or failure. Think!

By David_Omrenya_Odey
life comes in different colours... Not all of it is bright. Some are dark while others deep.

By David_Omrenya_Odey
To be happy one must not forget self and be lost in others.

By David_Omrenya_Odey
Some persons deserve to be with partners that do not care that they don't care.

By David_Omrenya_Odey
When love becomes a conditional outing, it drains the life out of friendship and disrupt the flow of positive energy.

By David_Omrenya_Odey
Sometimes laughter is all we can afford. Situations does not matter.

By David_Omrenya_Odey
If thy mind be quiet, your heart true and your deeds honest, life's edges shall be endless.

By David_Omrenya_Odey

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