celestialmind Quotes

Personal Quotes by celestialmind

Everything is a state of mind. Change your mind and everything will be changed.

By celestialmind
Life is a pattern. To change your life you must change its pattern.

By celestialmind
Someone asked me: how much do I worth? I answered, I am worthy as the facets of a diamond.

By celestialmind
The real beauty of a rainbow is not with its colors but with its vibrations.

By celestialmind
Love your enemy because your enemy is yourself.

By celestialmind
Everyone is a stranger: why fear of strangers?

By celestialmind
Time doesn't exist, only doubts.

By celestialmind
I undergone countless and breath taking initiations in the Mental Worlds but still, life on Earth is just a fragment of my being.

By celestialmind
I met people from all walks of life, from disregarded to regarded.They just differ from their states of mind.

By celestialmind
Wealth is an attitude.

By celestialmind
Dream is another form of reality.

By celestialmind

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