bldevnath Quotes

Personal Quotes by bldevnath

This world is beautiful only for beautiful human beings

By bldevnath
heart remains privet until the thoughts becomes old

By bldevnath
Where science fails, there faith is only the way to realize

By bldevnath
no heart-no emotion-no love, without emotion everything of life is fade, heartless

By bldevnath
Love is not circled but relation circles it

By bldevnath
what's the value of the pen it's doesn't matter but what is written that's the matter

By bldevnath
wisdom can be felt with the glory of conscience through perfect insight

By bldevnath
All things are important but same thing is not important for all people. What is important, that depends upon the wants and desire.

By bldevnath
Few sleep few wake up. Again few wake up few sleep. Few see at dark night few see at day light. All see the same but understandings vary due to the natural habit of acceptance.

By bldevnath
Without eyes no one can see, without insight no one can understand inner self being. After knowing that inner self being, true learning starts otherwise that's playing in the dark ground of life.

By bldevnath
There's a great relationship between life and the Word. One who understands the meaning of that relationship, probably he becomes a great man.

By bldevnath
One who keeps self humanity safe is honest only

By bldevnath
God loves us more than we love Him

By bldevnath
A piece of diamond is soaked in milk for hundred years but remains the same as the existence of soul never changes.

By bldevnath

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