biganah Quotes

Personal Quotes by biganah

if wishes were kisses we would all be wet

By biganah
Is a frogs butt water tight

By biganah
Is god a man or woman or just good and we spelled it wrong

By biganah
If you do not say anything . your condoning it.

By biganah
If we could chose the one we love why would we chose such pain

By biganah
please not African American. why not American with African heritage. or American ,With Mexican heritage insted of mexican American. we live in America to be American.

By biganah
We are the generation of change

By biganah
peel us and we are all pink

By biganah
You have to have sufication insurance to get between theses boobs or thighs

By biganah
The rich get rich acting poor. the poor get poorer acting rich.

By biganah
Every one has there own truth and dictionary. and that's the truth look it up

By biganah
I got my morals from the Brady bunch and i was corupted by rock and role

By biganah

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