Arowolo_olusegun Quotes

Personal Quotes by Arowolo_olusegun

The past affects the present,The present affects the future,Do the right thing(s) today;so that you can have a better tomorrow.

By Arowolo_olusegun
Without the mistakes of the past,the present cannot be perfected.

By Arowolo_olusegun
The Miser destroys himself with his word or mouth for saying all is not well when it is well.

By Arowolo_olusegun
A failure will want others to fail too,so as to be on the same level with him/her.

By Arowolo_olusegun
The wages of a free-giver is abundance,while the miser reaps penury.

By Arowolo_olusegun
A wise man is slow to anger and patient in exhibiting joy or happiness because the wicked one is ready to destroy his happiness.

By Arowolo_olusegun
No matter how fascinating an idea is,planning without God`s contribution or idea leads to failure.

By Arowolo_olusegun
Association is the key to boredom ,laughter is the key to sorrow,while patience is the panacea for anger.

By Arowolo_olusegun
It is more difficult to maintain greatness than to achieve greatness.

By Arowolo_olusegun
Humility is the key to knowledge and wisdom;self-control is the key to understanding.

By Arowolo_olusegun
A humble man acquires knowledge easily to become wiser,while a proud man repels knowledge and remains the same.

By Arowolo_olusegun
The wise student builds his own house on seriousness and hard work,while the foolish one builds his own on laziness and complacency.

By Arowolo_olusegun

Famous Quotes by Arowolo_olusegun

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