akewusola_habib Quotes

Personal Quotes by akewusola_habib

only your achievement is the weapon to show you are extraordinary

By akewusola_habib
learn how to adapt with change he comes with no date.

By akewusola_habib
writing is to talk wise,predict right, read into critics eye.

By akewusola_habib
talents remain special, because no one coordinates you

By akewusola_habib
the easiest game is to make mistakes, only rule of this game is never tremble during play.

By akewusola_habib
love has no barrier neither is there other type of her attire.

By akewusola_habib
only truth about age, things you don't do today, may never be done again.

By akewusola_habib
never run from the worse you come back to meet it spoilt.

By akewusola_habib
Women are the wisest in the world, she gave birth to the wisest man

By akewusola_habib
Security knows no man Sincerity makes a better society.

By akewusola_habib
Kerosine will never dry Imaginations will never die

By akewusola_habib
Its from pieces that became pyramids in egypt

By akewusola_habib
Fame is a game played by brilliant brains

By akewusola_habib
Bleesed are the wealth That comes through sweat.

By akewusola_habib
Frustration is a major spice of life, she leads to unlimited inspiration

By akewusola_habib

Famous Quotes by akewusola_habib

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Movie/TV Quotes by akewusola_habib

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