2bpositive Quotes

Personal Quotes by 2bpositive

To take is human, but to give- Divine

By 2bpositive
If at first you don't succeed, go chapter 11 and try, try, try again

By 2bpositive
Nobody gets out of this world alive

By 2bpositive
Everyone believes in the Almighty; only some err placing their faith in the almighty dollar

By 2bpositive
When I think of acquiring possessions in this world, I quickly remind myself that there are no pockets in my burial shrouds

By 2bpositive
Living in this world you will necessarily be brainwashed; only you have to choose whether you want to be brainwashed with the Truth, or with Lies

By 2bpositive
If you come to love yourself for the wrong reasons, you will never come to love others for the right reason

By 2bpositive
I have taught myself through prayer to have patience for G-d, and in return He has given me the power to have patience for my fellow human beings

By 2bpositive
When you give to others, you are really only giving to yourself

By 2bpositive
To be truly honest before G-d, you must be honest not only in your words and deeds, but in your thoughts (Heart) as well; for this is how a truly righteous person lives by his faith

By 2bpositive
Love is a mirage that will never go away

By 2bpositive
The value of the one true friend waiting for you tomorrow outweighs the 100 friends you think you have today

By 2bpositive
Being free is not doing what you want to do. True freedom, is the strength of character and fortitude to do what you DON'T want to do

By 2bpositive
Contemplate that ask me no questions, and I'll tell you no lies is better than asking those questions and NOT knowing you're getting (only) lies

By 2bpositive
Contemplate that with age comes wisdom and with wisdom, power--does not always guarantee that with this newly acquired power will come wisdom

By 2bpositive
What is the worst thing that man can do to you in this world, that your death ultimately cannot make up for

By 2bpositive
The only separation between man and beast is what G-d gave us and instructed us to use--an understanding heart

By 2bpositive

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