The Amazing Spider-Man 2 Quotes

Harry Osborn: [to Electro]Psst! I'm gonna get you out of here, alright. But we don't have much time.
Electro: Who are you?
Harry Osborn: I'm Harry Osborn. I want to make you a deal.
Electro: I should kill you.
Harry Osborn: Oh, come on. Think bigger, Max. I'm not the one you want. You want Spider-Man and I can give him to you.

Movie: The Amazing Spider-Man 2
[from trailer] Max Dillon: I just wanted everybody to see me...

Movie: The Amazing Spider-Man 2
Green Goblin: Peter. When you said Spider-Man said no, you meant *you* said no.
Spider-Man: Harry, what did you do?
Green Goblin: What you made me do. You were my friend and you BETRAYED ME!
Spider-Man: No. I was trying to protect you.
Green Goblin: Oh. Look at me.
Spider-Man: Hey, it's gonna be okay. This is gonna be all right.
Green Goblin: You don't give people hope. You take it away.
Spider-Man: No, Harry.
Green Goblin: I'm gonna take away yours.
Spider-Man: No. Gwen, run!

Movie: The Amazing Spider-Man 2
Peter Parker: [to Gwen]Nothing is what I thought it was.

Movie: The Amazing Spider-Man 2
Peter Parker: You're wrong about us being on different paths. We're not on different paths, you're my path and you're always gonna be my path. And I know there's a million reasons why we shouldn't be together, I know that. But I'm tired of them, I'm tired of every single one of them, you know I gotta make a choose, Gwen, I choose you.

Movie: The Amazing Spider-Man 2
Gwen Stacy: [after magnetizing Spider-Man's web shooters]And that is why you were number two at Midtown.
Spider-Man: Rub it in. Okay.

Movie: The Amazing Spider-Man 2
Harry Osborn: Peter Parker. It's like seeing a ghost.
Peter Parker: Hey, Harry.
Harry Osborn: Random. What, ten years?
Peter Parker: It's eight. But you're close.
Harry Osborn: What's up?
Peter Parker: I saw the news, man. I heard about your dad and I wanted to come and... Just wanted to come and see you. Check to see how you were doing.
Harry Osborn: I'm with some people. I'm in a... I'm in a meeting.
Peter Parker: Sorry, I don't wanna intrude. I know it's been a long time. I kind of know exactly what you're going through right now. And you were so there for me when my parents... Well, that's why I'm here for you.
Harry Osborn: Thank you.
Peter Parker: It's good to see you, man. It's good to see you. I'm sorry about your dad. [turns to leave]
Harry Osborn: You got your braces off. [Peter turns back to him again]
Harry Osborn: Now there's nothing to distract from your unibrow. [they start to laugh]
Peter Parker: There he is. There he is! You still blow-dry your hair every morning?
Harry Osborn: Well, you know, one of my manservants holds the hair dryer. But I work the comb, okay? So at least I'm not completely helpless.
Peter Parker: You're stupid. [they hug]

Movie: The Amazing Spider-Man 2
Spider-Man: [to Aleksei]Knock, knock. Mr. Criminal? Hey, my name is Spider-Man. You can call me Web-Head, you can call me Amazing, just don't call me late for dinner. You get it?

Movie: The Amazing Spider-Man 2
Gwen Stacy: There was an accident in the genomics lab, and they're covering it up. And I found out. That guy from Times Square last night? I met him. He was an electrical engineer in the building. And he loved Spider-Man, by the way. He was, like, a fanatic.
Peter Parker: I didn't get love vibes. I got more of a want to kill me with his electricity vibe.
Gwen Stacy: That's actually kind of what it's like to love you.

Movie: The Amazing Spider-Man 2
Peter Parker: [to Gwen]You're wrong about us being on different paths, we're not on different paths. You're my path. And you're always gonna be my path.

Movie: The Amazing Spider-Man 2
Aunt May: [about graduating high school]I know the first thing your Uncle Ben would say.
Peter Parker: Yeah, I know too. You better hurry up, party's over. You gotta get a job.
Aunt May: Alright, the second thing he would say: Don't just follow the path, make your own trail.
Peter Parker: Ralph Waldo Emerson.
Aunt May: No.
Peter Parker: What do you mean, no?
Aunt May: Ben told me he made it up!

Movie: The Amazing Spider-Man 2
Peter Parker: [Electro beats down Spider-Man to Itsy Bitsy Spider]I hate this song!

Movie: The Amazing Spider-Man 2
Harry Osborn: How the tables have turned. I know it's hard to admit, but how spectacular a move is this? Am I right?
Electro: Right as rain.
Harry Osborn: Okay, so, Fairy Godmother, it is time to grant me a wish. I want in to Special...
Donald Menken: How dare you come back in here? You recalcitrant, unworthy, defective, urchin freaks. [Electro zaps Menken]
Harry Osborn: Oh, God, sorry. That's just not the answer we were looking for.

Movie: The Amazing Spider-Man 2
Aunt May: You know, it's so funny I've been trying to clean up around here to be more organized and putting some of Ben's stuff in boxes, and it's so funny, the heavier the box gets the lighter I feel.
Peter Parker: You're throwing his stuff away?
Aunt May: No, god no, I couldn't do that it's part of me, I'm just finding a better place for it. I'm going to take one last look, and I'm going to put it where it belongs.

Movie: The Amazing Spider-Man 2
Harry Osborn: I'm sorry he never introduced us. I thought you two had broken up.
Gwen Stacy: Oh... Yeah. Yes, we had. And it's...
Harry Osborn: It's complicated.
Gwen Stacy: Complicated. Yeah.
Harry Osborn: I mean, it's Peter. Everything's always complicated with Peter.
Gwen Stacy: Yeah. Yeah... Yeah, you're right.
Harry Osborn: But that's why he needs you. Right? To help him make his choices clear.

Movie: The Amazing Spider-Man 2
Donald Menken: Harry, Oscorp's been under intense public scrutiny in the wake of Dr. Connors' recent, uh, breach of trust.
Harry Osborn: You mean people are pissed off because he tried to turn everyone in New York City into giant lizards.

Movie: The Amazing Spider-Man 2
Harry Osborn: [watches Peter skip a rock in the water]Dude. Nice arm.
Peter Parker: It's just the wrist. It's just all in the wrist, buddy.

Movie: The Amazing Spider-Man 2
Peter Parker: Who was that?
Aunt May: Harvey.
Peter Parker: Doing a double shift, huh?
Aunt May: Sometimes. Got nothing else to do. I like the girls. I miss Ben. Gives me a little extra in the cookie jar.
Peter Parker: Well, I sold another couple of photos to the Bugle, so that ought to help.
Aunt May: Yeah, it would really help if that guy would pay you a fair wage.
Peter Parker: Oh, Jameson pays me a fair wage. If it was 1961, he pays me a fair wage.

Movie: The Amazing Spider-Man 2
Spider-Man: [after saving a police officer from getting hit by his car]I'm glad you're not one of those cops who rides a horse.

Movie: The Amazing Spider-Man 2
Peter Parker: I'm so naked in here.

Movie: The Amazing Spider-Man 2
[last lines] Peter Parker: There's no place like home!

Movie: The Amazing Spider-Man 2
[first lines] Richard Parker: People will say I am a monster for what I've done. And maybe they're right. I'd always thought that I'd have more time.

Movie: The Amazing Spider-Man 2
Harry Osborn: You've made progress?
Gustav Fiers: I've identifies several worthy candidates. Now that Spider-Man's gone, this city will never be the same.
Harry Osborn: Oh, I'm counting on that.
Gustav Fiers: Speaking of progress, you're looking better.
Harry Osborn: It comes and goes. Tell me more.
Gustav Fiers: How many men did you have in mind?
Harry Osborn: I want to keep it small. Everything you need is already at OsCorp.

Movie: The Amazing Spider-Man 2
Harry Osborn: What did you do?
Donald Menken: The more relevant question is what did you do? And an employee is killed and in your first action as CEO, you cover it up.
Harry Osborn: No, *you* covered it up. Then you buried him in the bughouse using my name.
Donald Menken: Ravencroft is a timeworn institution devoted to mental improvement.
Harry Osborn: You are experimenting on people in there.
Donald Menken: Progress has its stepping stones. Now, in light of your deceptive criminal actions, you've been... How do I put this gently? Fired.
Harry Osborn: You are not going to bury me, too.
Donald Menken: Looks to me like you're halfway in the ground already. It's only a matter of time. You're going to die a horrible death. Like your father. The difference is, no one is going to miss you.

Movie: The Amazing Spider-Man 2
Norman Osborn: This is not how I imagined I would die. Looking at my son and seeing a stranger. You have such potential, Harry. Such fierce intelligence, and you're throwing it all away.
Harry Osborn: No, you threw me away. You kicked me off to boarding school when I was 11. On my 16th birthday, you sent me Scotch. Or one of your assistants did. I'm pretty sure because the card read: With compliments, Norman Osborn.
Norman Osborn: I don't expect forgiveness from you anymore. I don't believe in miracles. How could you possibly understand that your childhood had to be sacrificed for something greater? And not just for me. For you! Has your hand started to twitch yet? When you lay awake and you feel it coming, hiding under your skin, waiting to show itself. To show you who you really are. Retro viral hyperplasia. I never told you that it's genetic. Our disease, the Osborn curse. And it began at your age. Let me see it. Your hand. Give it to me. The greatest inheritance I can give you isn't merely money. It's this. The sum total of all my work. Everything I did to stay alive. Maybe you can succeed where I failed.

Movie: The Amazing Spider-Man 2
Peter Parker: [returning an earlier conversation, interrupted when he had to save the city]England? Really?
Gwen Stacy: Good talk.

Movie: The Amazing Spider-Man 2
Electro: It's my birthday. Now it's time for me to light my candles.

Movie: The Amazing Spider-Man 2
[repeated line] Max Dillon: It's not my fault.

Movie: The Amazing Spider-Man 2
Peter Parker: You're wrong about us being on different paths. We're not on different paths, you're my path and you're always gonna be my path. And I know there's a million reasons why we shouldn't be together, I know that. But I'm tired of them, I'm tired of every single one of them, you know I gotta make a choice, Gwen, I choose you.

Movie: The Amazing Spider-Man 2
[the Rhino is in a shootout with the police. A little boy in a Spider-Man costume ducks under the barricade and runs out into the street] Jorge's Mother: [his mother sees him run off]No! NO! [she tries to go after him, but the police hold her back. The boy runs right into the middle of the street]
Police Captain: [notices the boy]Hold your fire! Everybody, hold your fire! [the boy stops in the middle of the street bravely facing the Rhino]
Lead Officer: Kid! You gotta get- [the Rhino shoots at him forcing him to take cover]
Aleksei Sytsevich: [mockingly to the crowd, about the boy]Look, New York! Spider-Man is back! [the crowd shouts at him to leave the kid alone]
Jorge's Mother: [struggling against the police]That's my baby! Please. [the boy puts his costume's mask on]
Aleksei Sytsevich: Brave boy, huh? Does Aleksei scare you, little boy? [the boy stands his ground and Rhino starts to move toward him. All of a sudden, something arrives at the scene making everybody, including the Rhino stop and look]
Spider-Man: Hey, Spider-Man. [the boy turns around and sees the real Spider-Man standing behind him]
Jorge: [he lifts up his mask]I knew you'd come back.
Spider-Man: Yeah. Thanks for stepping up for me. You're the bravest kid I've ever seen. I'm gonna take care of this jerk. You go take care of your mom. Okay? [the boy fist-bumps Spider-Man]
Spider-Man: All right, get out of here. Go. Go. [the boy runs off and is picked up by an officer, who hands him back to his mother, who hugs the boy tightly while the crowd cheers for him]

Movie: The Amazing Spider-Man 2