Seven Psychopaths Quotes

Marty: It's impossible for someone's head to actually explode, isn't it? When it gets shot.
Billy: No, no, it's possible. If the person's head was made out of explosives, it's possible.

Movie: Seven Psychopaths
[from trailer]Hans: Fuck the cops! Fuck them! No fucking cops!

Movie: Seven Psychopaths
Billy: [Marty is reading Billy's journal]Monday the 14th. Sat watching the shadow of the neighbor's flagpole across my lawn again from 7: 00 in the morning to 7: 00 in the evening. That's 11 hours. They've got a right to y a flag, don't they? Note to self, do not set fire to the neighbor's flag. [See charred flag out the window]

Movie: Seven Psychopaths
Tommy: Was it Dillinger got shot through the eyeball, or am I thinking of someone else?
Larry: Moe Green got shoot through the eyeball in the Godfather.
Tommy: Yeah, I'm talking about it real life.
Larry: Oh.
Tommy: Somebody in real life, got shot through the eyeball...
Larry: Who was that?
Tommy: Well... No Larry. Many people in real life have got shot through the eyeball. I'm just saying, I think Dillinger was one of 'em.
Larry: That's really good aim.
Tommy: No it ain't really good aim.
Larry: How is that not really good aim?
Tommy: That's a hundred fucking cops shooting a thousand bullets a minute, one of 'em's bound to go through somebody's fucking eyeball.

Movie: Seven Psychopaths
Billy: Now don't get mad.
Marty: What the hell did you do?
Billy: I set the car on fire.
Marty: How the hell are we supposed to get home? We're in the middle of the fucking desert, Billy.
Billy: Yeah, that's the least of our worries.
Marty: What else did you do?
Billy: I'll give you a clue. Come on in. So, yeah, I just called up old Charlie Costello and I told him where we were and to come down and get his dog back and said if he had any trouble finding us, just look for a Buick on fire. But I did tell him to promise to come alone and unarmed, and he said he would. And he'll be here in a couple of hours, depending on traffic.

Movie: Seven Psychopaths
Billy: This is kind of like that window of time when you're waiting in the waiting room of the VD clinic, isn't it? For the door to open and the doctor to come out and say, Billy, you're good to go. Or, Billy, you've got VD. Or chlamydia or whatever.

Movie: Seven Psychopaths
Billy: He's a proper Christian. A proper old-time Christian. Not like these Fox News fucks.

Movie: Seven Psychopaths
Marty: This guy just telephoned a psycho-killer to come down and psycho-kill us!

Movie: Seven Psychopaths
Marty: Sorry for hitting you in the face so hard.
Billy: That's all right. It was a pretty good punch, for a pacifist.

Movie: Seven Psychopaths
Billy: Hiya Kaya!

Movie: Seven Psychopaths
Marty: Are you pissed at me, baby?
Kaya: Why would I be pissed at you, Marty?
Billy: [Kaya brushes past Billy and slams the door as she leaves]Because you're a cunt?
Marty: [warningly]Billy!

Movie: Seven Psychopaths
Marty: You know what I think the movie should be? The first half should be a perfect setup for an out-and-out revenge flick. Violence. Guns. All the usual bullshit. And then... The lead characters should just walk away. They should just drive off into the desert and pitch a tent somewhere and just talk for the rest of the frigging movie. No shoot-outs, no pay-offs. Just human beings talking.
Billy: What, are we making French movies now? That sounds like the stupidest ending. No shoot-outs? That sounds like the stupidest ending I've ever fucking... NO SHOOT-OUTS?
Marty: No?
Billy: NO!

Movie: Seven Psychopaths
Tommy: In Cuba, the torturers used to have a device, two thin metal spikes, placed here, that they adjusted, and slowly, millimeter by millimeter, pricked into the eyeballs.
Larry: You're kidding me. Those Communist motherfuckers.
Tommy: Well, no, Larry. These are the ones those Communist motherfuckers kicked out.

Movie: Seven Psychopaths
Marty: I don't remember doing anything to piss her off.
Billy: Don't worry about it. She's probably pissed at you not for anything specific, more because she's a fucking bitch.
Marty: She's not a fucking bitch, Billy. She's just got issues.
Billy: Yeah, she's got issues. She's got being a fucking bitch issues.

Movie: Seven Psychopaths
Zachariah: When you use my story in your movie, I'd like you to put a little message up there at the end. I want you to tell her that I miss her. And I love her. And I should have helped her kill that hippie.

Movie: Seven Psychopaths
Billy: It's a kidnapped dog. You don't just give back a kidnapped dog. Defeats the entire object of the kidnapping. They didn't just give Patty Hearst back, did they? No, this dog is my Patty Hearst. Except I ain't gonna keep it in a closet and make it rob a bank. No, I'm gonna hold on to it until your asshole boyfriend starts behaving like a decent human being and gives me a bunch of money.

Movie: Seven Psychopaths
Marty: You shot him in the back?
Billy: Of course I shot him in the back I was going for his spine.

Movie: Seven Psychopaths
Billy: Now I've labeled these guns up for you, but you don't have to use them and I won't think that you are pussies, but I am gonna hang on to mine. I think we've done enough of this talking about peace in the desert type stuff. Don't you? I do. This movie ends my way.

Movie: Seven Psychopaths
The Hooker: What's that you talkin', baby? Chinese?
Vietnamese Priest: Vietnamese. Vietnamese.
The Hooker: Oh, Vietnamese. Yeah, didn't we have like a big war with you guys one time?
Vietnamese Priest: Yes. It isn't over. [cocks his gun]

Movie: Seven Psychopaths