Rango Quotes

Rango: We can control it! Like a monkey's bladder!

Movie: Rango
Rango: Now, we ride!

Movie: Rango
Bad Bill: If I ever see your face again, I'm going to slice it off and use it to wipe my unmentionables!

Movie: Rango
Rattlesnake Jake: [to the Mayor]What was that you said? Pretty soon, no one will believe you even existed.

Movie: Rango
Hazel Moats: He wants a glass of water!

Movie: Rango
Rango: Name's... Rango. [crowd gasp]

Movie: Rango
Rattlesnake Jake: [to Rango]Hello, brother. Thirsty? [fills a glass with his venom]

Movie: Rango
Merrimack: Beans, you've been like a niece to me and ever since your daddy... [Beans gives him a death glare]
Merrimack: ...did *not* fall drunk down a mine shaft...

Movie: Rango
Rango: [addressing the townspeople after the bank robbery]We all know exactly what we need to do now! [aside]
Rango: And that would be?
Mayor: [whispers]Form a posse.
Rango: Form a possum! [short pause]
Mayor: [still quiet]A *posse*.

Movie: Rango
Priscilla: Sheriff? You are going to bring that water back, aren't you?
Rango: You can count on it, little sister.

Movie: Rango
Beans: [comes out of trance by her wagon]And until the people of Andromeda 5 return him safe and sound, I will not sell my ranch!

Movie: Rango
Beans: [comes out of trance in the clothier's shop]It is not a rash, it is a birthmark!

Movie: Rango
Priscilla: What's he doing now?
Waffles: I think it's a number two.

Movie: Rango
[the Mayor is intending to shoot Jake while Rango and Beans are in the bank vault that's filling up with water]Mayor: You and the sheriff are more alike than you think. You're nothing but legends. Pretty soon, no one will believe you even existed.

Movie: Rango
Maybelle: [annoyed]You've got a lot of nerve coming back here, lawman. What is it that you want?
Rango: [dead serious]Yer pappy and them boys are gonna hang for something they didn't do. [pause]
Rango: But I've got a plan...

Movie: Rango
Rango: [seeing Jake has Beans wrapped in his coils]Put her down!
Rattlesnake Jake: Or what, little man? You gonna kill me?
Rango: [serious]That's just about the size of it.

Movie: Rango
Mayor: Our new sheriff has been playing the hero for so long, he's actually starting to believe it.

Movie: Rango
Balthazar: Ezekiel, Jedidiah! What the Sam Hill's goin' on up there? [as he emerges from the ground, he thumps his idiot sons with a cane. He sniffs the air]
Balthazar: Hell's fire, this ain't the bank!
Ezekiel: Pappy, the Sheriff is standin' right here, helpin' us out.
Jedidiah: Gonna give us a permit for pros-pec-ting.
Rango: That's right, sir. Just doin' my duty. The lonely constable on his rounds, keeping an eagle eye out for mayhem and malfeasance.
Balthazar: Does he look like he sounds?
Jedidiah: Uh-huh.

Movie: Rango
Mayor: It's almost noon. Is everyone ready?
Bad Bill: Yeah, but he might be a problem.
Mayor: He's not a problem, William. He's a solution.

Movie: Rango
Rango: Dearly beloved. We are gathered here today to honor this man. Mr. Merrimack, you have the right to remain silent. Speak now, or forever hold your peace. Amen.

Movie: Rango
Rango: [repeated quote]Now, we ride!

Movie: Rango
Rango: I'd like a glass of water. [All of the people at the bar laugh loudly]
1: He wants a glass of water!
Doc: Make it a double!
2: Give him the spittoon!
Buford: [Buford spits onto the table and wipes it up]Cactus juice, that's what we got.

Movie: Rango
Angelique: Hello, Beans.
Beans: Hello, Angelique.
Angelique: Tart.
Beans: Floozy.
Angelique: Trollop.

Movie: Rango
Mr. Timms: Where are your friends, now, amigo?

Movie: Rango
Rango: [Extended edition only]Look. I need water. Hydration. My teeth are chapped. I need lotion. I'm down to one layer of skin already. Pretty soon, I'm going to start seeing my insides. Not quite unlike you've got going there. Listen. I can't survive in the desert, okay? I- I don't belong here!
Roadkill: That maybe true, but here you are. Now, help me up and I'll help you find what you seek?
Rango: Uh, you will?
Roadkill: And perhaps more.

Movie: Rango