Evil Dead Quotes

Eric: [near death, smiling]David... I missed you, man!

Movie: Evil Dead
[first lines] Toothless Redneck: I've got the bitch!

Movie: Evil Dead
Natalie: [possessed]Wanna play, little man?

Movie: Evil Dead
Eric: [possessed; burning]JOIN US! JOIN US!

Movie: Evil Dead
Olivia: [sees Eric reading through the Naturom Demonto]Eric, what are you doing? I thought I told you to throw that away. You should be down there helping your friend clean up that mess.
Eric: I don't know who you're talking about.
Olivia: Come on, don't act like you don't care about him. I know you do.
Eric: Well, I think we can all agree that he stopped caring about us for the past freakin' century.
Olivia: Well, he's here now.
Eric: Yeah... truly amazing.

Movie: Evil Dead
[last lines] Ash: Groovy.

Movie: Evil Dead