Cimarron Quotes

The Screamer: I can night track! I got eyes like a cat. I can track day or night, across slate or granite, moon or inside your hat. You better count me in!

Marshal Jim Crown: You?

The Screamer: Who else you got?

MacGregor: Me!

The Screamer: You couldn't track a cockroach through a puddle of beer.

Movie: Cimarron
Tiny Carl Budinger: [looking over the bare-chested Matt Rockford] Husky, ain't he?

Movie: Cimarron
Warden: Hate gets under a man's skin. It spoils his whole life. It's like a bad growth, kid. You got to get rid of it.

Movie: Cimarron
Yancy Cravat: Louie Heffner, as coroner do your official duty and remove the body.

Louie Heffner: Okay, Yancy. It was self-defense and justifiable homicide. This town needs a Boot Hill and I'll start it with this burial.

Yancy Cravat: Fellow citizens! Under the circumstances, we will forego the sermon and conclude this service with a brief word of prayer.

Movie: Cimarron
Yancy Cravat: Sugar, if we all took root and squatted, there would never be any new country.

Movie: Cimarron
Yancy Cravat: Why, it'll be all over the southwest that Yancy Cravat was hiding behind a woman's petticoat!

Sabra Cravat: But you didn't! They can't say so! You shot him there nicely in the ear, darling.

Yancy Cravat: Well, you shouldn't interfere when men are having a little friendly shootin'.

Movie: Cimarron
Yancy Cravat: Wife and mother, stainless woman, hide me... hide me in your love.

Movie: Cimarron
[Pinky introduces himself to the new "marshal"]

Pinky Snyder: Pinky Snyder - M.D., D.V.M. and D.V.G., P.D.Q. and C.O.D., and T.N.T.

McCord: Why, whittled down to size, that sounds like a pill peddler.

Pinky Snyder: Shucks, how'd you guess?

Movie: Cimarron
[reading the sign on Jessie's freight wagon which says "Cabot & Company"]

Marshal Jim Crown: Are you Cabot or Company?

Jessica Cabot: I'm both. It was my father's - he left it to me in his will.

Movie: Cimarron
[while Marshal Crown lures the Valdeman brothers into following him, Francis and Angus spirit outlaw Dickie Valdeman out of town]

Francis Wilde: Pretty slick, huh?

Angus MacGregor: I wish I felt so smug about Jim's part of the plan.

Movie: Cimarron
Angus MacGregor: Saddled and packed; five days provisions.

Marshal Jim Crown: Add this to it.

Angus MacGregor: Leg irons? For what? That lad's barely weaned.

Marshal Jim Crown: That lad's wanted in Silver City, New Mexico for boyish pranks like shooting people in the back.

Movie: Cimarron
Angus MacGregor: You picked the wrong man. Old Grimey prefers horses to men.

Darcy: Oh. Maybe that's 'cause he smells so much like one, huh?

Malachi Grimes: I'd rather smell like a horse than a polecat any day. I never met a horse yet that would lie or steal or kill people.

Movie: Cimarron
Deputy Sheriff Lane Temple: This is a small town. You can't sneeze without half-a-dozen people giving you cold remedies.

Movie: Cimarron
Fargo Jones: Farmer's Almanac? You fixin' to be a sodbuster?

Darcy: Well, a man's got to know when to reap his corp, Fargo. It says here that it's a perfect night for it - no moon, balck as the devil's own soul.

Fargo Jones: You'd know.

Darcy: Yeah, well, he's a personal friend of mine.

Movie: Cimarron
Lieutenant: Fifty six thousand, four hundred twenty three dollars and ninety six cents - payroll for Fort Supply and Camp Cook. Sign right here.

Marshal Jim Crown: What's the ninety six cents for?

Lieutenant: Second Lieutenant's salary for a month.

Movie: Cimarron
Little Creek: I'm never going to ride you, am I? And no one ever should.

Movie: Cimarron
Little Indian Girl: Bye-bye horsey!

Movie: Cimarron
Malachi Grimes: Boy, don't you know that nobody, rich or poor, gets anyplace but to the grave? Don't matter whether a man gets in life, it's how he makes the trip.

Movie: Cimarron
Marshal Jim Crown: Mac, you make sure he has three square meals a day.

MacGregor: Aye - beans for breakfast and beans for lunch... and then for supper we'll have some beans!

Movie: Cimarron
Marshal Jim Crown: The sheriff over at Indian Wells, he ought to give me a hand; loan me a mount and an extra sidearm.

Jessica Cabot: Sheriff? Lawmen and jails cost money, which the good folk at Indian Wells don't believe in laying out. They make their own rules with their own guns and their own ropes.

Marshal Jim Crown: You make it sound like the Dark Continent. They got a telegraph office, don't they?

Jessica Cabot: They just started switchin' from candles to coal oil lamps.

Movie: Cimarron
Marshal Jim Crown: There seems to me there's something especially female flittin' around in that brain of yours.

Dulcey Coopersmith: No, just the usual female nonsense.

Marshal Jim Crown: I'll bet there is.

Movie: Cimarron
Marshal Jim Crown: There's a law against interferin' with a marshal and you're going to have a long time to think about what you could have done with that five thousand dollars.

Moon: No, no, you ain't gonna talk me outta nothin'!

Marshal Jim Crown: Oh, I don't want to - not anymore. Silver City is just where I want to go. The law there will be able to identify me. Now if you still got those handcuffs, why don't you use them?

Moon: You're bluffin'.

Jessica Cabot: Why don't you call him?

Movie: Cimarron
Marshal Jim Crown: Well, what do you call that?

Dulcey Coopersmith: Supper.

Marshal Jim Crown: Belly wash and sinkers?

Dulcey Coopersmith: It's beef broth and homemade biscuits. It's the proper diet for any man with a serious injury.

Marshal Jim Crown: It's not even the proper diet for a beat-up prairie dog.

Movie: Cimarron
Marshal Jim Crown: You make a strong point with a knife.

Kallman: The product of a misspent youth, Mister.

Movie: Cimarron
Mayor Matthew Rockford: [after feeling the sting of Carl's whip] Carl, you're making it pretty hard for our friendship to grow.

Movie: Cimarron
Nathan Tio: You really think I'm worth shooting?

Clo Vardeman: I wouldn't waste the lead on you. You're already cracked at the seams and you're hollow inside.

Nathan Tio: Vivid images, probably quite accurate. Little wonder you inspire such respect - or is it simply fear? Fear of blind, unreasoning, brute force. Just a thought, Vardeman.

Movie: Cimarron
Sabra Cravat: Did you have to kill him?

Yancy Cravat: No, I could have let him kill me.

Movie: Cimarron
Sabra Cravat: Do you feel nervous about your sermon, dear?

Yancy Cravat: I'd rather plead to a Texas jury than preach to this gang.

Movie: Cimarron
Sol Levy: They will always talk about Yancy. He's gonna be part of the history of the great Southwest. It's men like him that build the world. The rest of them, like me... why, we just come along and live in it.

Movie: Cimarron
Spirit: [after watching Rain play with Little Creek] Mares!

Movie: Cimarron