Bolero Quotes

Raoul De Baere: I'm too good for this joint.

Movie: Bolero
Raoul De Baere: When you come to your senses I'll talk to you.

Helen Hathaway: I've come to my senses; that's why I'm leaving.

Movie: Bolero
Raoul De Baere: You wouldn't get rich on what I'd pay you.

Helen Hathaway: There are other ways to get rich.

Movie: Bolero
Raoul De Baere: Never mix business with pleasure.

Movie: Bolero
[Even though she rides her horse naked, she can't arouse Angel]

Lida MacGillivery: You're a hard man to seduce.

Movie: Bolero
[Lida complains that, if her virginity isn't taken immediately, it will spoil]

Lida MacGillivery: The fruit is so ripe, it's ready to fall off the tree.

Movie: Bolero
[Not realizing he has been gored in the groin, Lida thinks Angel still can make love to her]

Lida MacGillivery: Now pay attention and concentrate on what I'm gonna say. This thing is going to work!

Movie: Bolero