senCTVT Quotes

Personal Quotes by senCTVT

The day you can laugh at your mistakes you realize how small it is when the the world is laughing at them.

By senCTVT
The power of imagination breaks all boundaries that the world can set.

By senCTVT
Choices are to be made in sumptuous mangoes, not in rotten apples!

By senCTVT
Think about limitations and limitations will limit you!

By senCTVT
The height of the mountains, the dept of the ocean, the vastness of the desert all tell you a story unspoken but felt.

By senCTVT
While a stupid can think in many directions a genius knows his limit.

By senCTVT
The power of laughter can be a medicine that can heal the mind, body and the soul.

By senCTVT
I don't dislike people who are jealous of me but respect their jealousy because they are the one who think that I am better than them.

By senCTVT
Diversity is like the variety in your foods all to satisfy the need for your hunger

By senCTVT
The result of reading a great book is that you are never finish it with the same outlook.

By senCTVT

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