Awsaaf_Ali Quotes

Personal Quotes by Awsaaf_Ali

I come to you when I want to. I pierce blades in your lips, arrows in your chest, red hot pins in your nostrils or acid in your genitals. I either take you painfully or silently. I am the escape from everything. I call myself death.

By Awsaaf_Ali
And then I squeezed my pen's neck and its nib begun to bleed. I wrote your name with blood.

By Awsaaf_Ali
Everybody talks about their struggle in life. But the person who actually struggles, remains silent; because that's a part of his struggle.

By Awsaaf_Ali
In this world of dead of dead music and contemporary art, the only thing you can feed upon is a rusted symphony.

By Awsaaf_Ali
The best thing about sitting in a graveyard is, from ever dark corner lurks the silence which is more silent than silence itself.

By Awsaaf_Ali
An incomplete thinking is a stupid idea.

By Awsaaf_Ali
Your incomplete painting cried blue tears laconically as my golden brush kissed its orange wounds.

By Awsaaf_Ali
There's always a mountain of dislikers before you can find the cold water stream of admirers.

By Awsaaf_Ali
A question asked by a genius to a stupid person is always embedded with sarcasm.

By Awsaaf_Ali
There's never a point of being afraid of the ultimate death once you've realized that you have started dying since the moment you were born.

By Awsaaf_Ali
It is madness that doesn't let people see things as they actually are; this is an only acceptable reason behind all artists being mad first, and artists later.

By Awsaaf_Ali
Only an artist can destroy his artistic creation and recreate art out once again out of that artistic destruction.

By Awsaaf_Ali
It is nearly impossible to make a psycho attached to you. Once you are successfully his attachment, never aback from that. If you ever aback, it is obvious that you have forgotten that the person is a psycho.

By Awsaaf_Ali
It is easy to be somebody who talks about others. The difficult thing is to become someone that will make others talk about you.

By Awsaaf_Ali
In the perception of chaos, intelligence is the only true evolutionary flaw.

By Awsaaf_Ali

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